Welcome to our blog on plumbing maintenance tips in Lexington! At Hubbard Mechanical, we understand the importance of proper plumbing maintenance to keep your home or business running smoothly. Plumbing issues can cause inconvenience and even damage to your property if not addressed in a timely manner. That’s why we have compiled some pro tips to help you maintain your plumbing system and avoid costly repairs. Whether you are a homeowner or a business owner in Lexington, these tips will come in handy to ensure the longevity and efficiency of your plumbing system.

Understanding Your Toilet’s Mechanics

Toilets are an essential fixture in any home or commercial building. Understanding the mechanics of your toilet can help you identify and address common issues. A typical toilet consists of several key components, including the tank, bowl, flapper valve, fill valve, and flush valve. The tank holds the water and is connected to the bowl through a series of valves. The flapper valve controls the flow of water from the tank to the bowl, while the fill valve regulates the water level in the tank. Leaks can occur in any of these components, leading to water wastage and potential damage to your property.

The Anatomy Of A Toilet

To have a better understanding of your toilet’s mechanics, let’s take a closer look at its anatomy. Here are the main components of a toilet:

  • Tank: The tank holds the water used for flushing the toilet. It is usually made of porcelain or ceramic and is connected to the bowl.
  • Bowl: The bowl is where waste is deposited and flushed away. It is also made of porcelain or ceramic and is connected to the sewer system.
  • Flapper Valve: The flapper valve is located at the bottom of the tank and controls the flow of water into the bowl when the toilet is flushed.
  • Fill Valve: The fill valve is responsible for filling the tank with water after each flush. It regulates the water level in the tank.
  • Flush Valve: The flush valve is a mechanism that releases water into the bowl when the toilet is flushed. It opens and closes to allow water to flow.

Understanding these components will help you identify any issues and communicate effectively with a plumber if needed.

Common Toilet Problems And How To Identify Them

Knowing how to identify common toilet problems can save you time and money on repairs. Here are some common issues you may encounter:

  • Running Toilet: If you hear water running continuously in your toilet, you may have a running toilet. This can be caused by a faulty flapper valve or an issue with the fill valve.
  • Clogs: Clogs are a common problem in toilets, especially if non-flushable items are flushed down. If your toilet is not flushing properly or is overflowing, you may have a clog.
  • Leaks: Leaks can occur in various parts of a toilet, including the tank, bowl, or valves. If you notice water pooling around the base of the toilet or hear water running when it’s not in use, you may have a leak.

By identifying these common problems, you can take appropriate action to resolve them or seek professional help if needed.

Professional Plumbing Maintenance Services

At Hubbard Mechanical, we offer professional Lexington plumbing maintenance services to ensure the optimal performance of your plumbing system. Our experienced plumbers are trained to handle a wide range of plumbing issues and are familiar with local health regulations. Our plumbing program staff is dedicated to providing exceptional service and ensuring that your plumbing system meets the highest standards. Whether you need routine maintenance or emergency repairs, you can rely on our team to get the job done efficiently and effectively.

When To Call A Professional Plumber

While some plumbing issues can be resolved with DIY fixes, there are times when it’s best to call a professional plumber. Here are a few situations where professional help is recommended:

  • Renovation Projects: If you’re planning a renovation that involves plumbing work, it’s important to consult a professional plumber. They can ensure that the plumbing changes are done correctly and in compliance with building codes.
  • Gas Services: If your home or business uses gas for heating, cooking, or other purposes, it’s crucial to have a professional plumber handle any gas-related repairs or installations to ensure safety.
  • Water Heater Issues: Problems with your water heater, such as leaks or inconsistent water temperature, should be addressed by a professional plumber. They can diagnose the issue and provide the necessary repairs or replacements.

By calling a professional plumber in these situations, you can avoid potential risks and ensure that the job is done right.

Hubbard Mechanical’s Approach To Plumbing Maintenance

Hubbard Mechanical takes a comprehensive approach to Lexington plumbing maintenance, especially in public buildings in Lexington, KY. Our team of expert plumbers follows a systematic process to ensure the efficiency and longevity of the plumbing systems.  Click DIY Lexington Plumbing Tips & Tricks From Hubbard Mechanical for more details.

DIY Fixes For Common Toilet Issues

While some toilet issues require professional help, there are a few DIY fixes you can try before calling a plumber. These fixes can save you time and money. Here are some common toilet issues and their DIY solutions:

Unclogging A Blocked Toilet

One of the most common toilet issues is a clog. If your toilet is not flushing properly or is overflowing, it may be due to a blockage in the pipes. Here’s how you can try to unclog a blocked toilet:

  • Use a plunger: Place the plunger over the drain hole and push down firmly. Then, rapidly pull up to create suction and dislodge the blockage. Repeat this motion several times until the water starts draining.
  • Use a toilet auger: If the plunger doesn’t work, you can use a toilet auger to break up the blockage. Insert the auger into the drain hole and rotate the handle to loosen the clog.

If these DIY methods don’t work, it’s time to call a plumber to resolve the issue.

Fixing A Running Toilet

A running toilet can waste a significant amount of water and increase your water bill. Here’s how you can try to fix a running toilet:

  • Check the flapper valve: The flapper valve is often the culprit behind a running toilet. Inspect the flapper valve for any signs of wear or damage. If necessary, replace the flapper valve to ensure a proper seal.
  • Adjust the water level: The water level in the tank should be adjusted to the recommended level. If it’s too high, water may continuously flow into the overflow tube, causing the toilet to run.

By addressing these issues, you can resolve a running toilet and save water.

Replacing The Flapper Valve

If you have determined that the flapper valve is causing your toilet to run, you can replace it yourself. Here’s how you can replace the flapper valve:

  • Turn off the water supply: Locate the shut-off valve behind the toilet and turn it off to stop the water flow.
  • Remove the old flapper valve: Disconnect the flapper chain from the flush lever and remove the old flapper valve from the overflow tube.
  • Install the new flapper valve: Attach the new flapper valve to the overflow tube and reconnect the flapper chain to the flush lever.
  • Turn on the water supply: Turn the water supply back on and test the toilet to ensure it’s no longer running.

If you’re uncomfortable with replacing the flapper valve yourself, you can always call a plumber for assistance. They can provide professional installation and ensure a proper seal.


To maintain a well-functioning plumbing system, understanding your toilet’s mechanics is crucial. Recognizing common issues and knowing when to call a professional plumber can save you from costly repairs. Hubbard Mechanical offers expert plumbing maintenance services to keep your system in top shape. For simple fixes like unclogging a blocked toilet or replacing the flapper valve, DIY solutions can come in handy. Remember, regular maintenance is key to preventing major plumbing disasters. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Hubbard Mechanical for professional assistance – ensuring your plumbing works seamlessly.

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